Monday, November 24, 2008

Goats on the Loose: A Walk Down Memory Lane by Gavin LaFave

Until this point, it was an uneventful drive to Little Rock. We had made it just outside of Searcy when the unthinkable happened. I looked up from the backseat just in time to see a pick up truck in the right lane with a cage carrying some sort of animals in the back. As we went to pass the pick up, the cage fell out of the back sending one goat skidding across the highway. We pulled over to lend a hand expecting the worst.
The five sided open bottomed cage completely blacked the right lane of traffic. Luckily it wasn’t hit. The goat that had slid down the lane ahd gotten up and was eating grass on the shoulder of the road. One of the two farmers rounded it up and tied it up. I went back by the cage to help pull it off the road expecting the worst. The goats inside were unscathed even though the cage had one completely pinned down.
After getting the cage off the road we had to get all the goats out of it. We each took turns taking a goat by the horns and straddling it to control it. we got the cage back in the truck and loaded the goats back in. Tied it down a little tighter. That was the first day that I had ever wrangled a goat and it was a memorable one.

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